Our mission activities are coordinated by the Mission Link team. Contact them via email – missionlink@wycliffe-church.org.uk
Find our mission partners profiles in the Kings Room. You can also stay up to date with them through our quaterly Mission Update.
If you are interested in short term or long term mission get in touch with Mission Link about how we can prayerfully and financially support you as your sending family.
Wycliffe is a community of Christians that is very concerned about what goes on in the wider world. The world in general has many problems – the most obvious being poverty that can be relieved by food aid and a more just economic system and Wycliffe contributes wholeheartedly to causes that seek to improve these complex problems.
As Christians we believe there is greater need; a spiritual poverty that can only be transformed through a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The primary aims of our mission activity are based on principles we find in the Bible which can be summarised as: telling the good news about Jesus, planting churches, making disciples, and caring for those in need.
We are committed to spending twenty per cent of our total budget on such mission activities outside of the church and overseas. We currently contribute towards the support of more than a dozen members of our congregation who have been called to mission. Some of these are based overseas and some in the UK. A number of the UK partners are working for Christian agencies supporting hundreds of other workers throughout the world. All of the people we support operate through mission agencies.
We also provide financial and spiritual support for training people who are called to mission work and we encourage people to take part in short term service, both overseas and in the UK, to explore how God is calling them in the longer term.
We are registered with Global Connections and follow their Code of Best Practice in supporting our mission partners. Wycliffe’s mission activities are coordinated by the Mission Link team.